Who are we

Devnox Web Design Studio was established in 2009 in Bulgaria, and now operates from Canada and the UK as well as Bulgaria. We comprise a group of enthusiastic graphic designers and programmers with a passion for the delivery of stylish modern websites.

The business' team is young and highly motivated and specializing in a variety of skills in the area of web design. Our specialists work to provide custom web design solutions at competitive prices.

We have received much positive feedback from our clients and we always work hard to meet your objectives. We work hard to complete your project efficiently, to a high standard and at a competitive price.

Read our client testimonials to see what our clients think of us.

Take a look at our projects

How we work

Firstly, We LISTEN. We try to understand your business We try to understand your requirements. We make suggestions. We work with you to build a website tailored to the requirements of your business and in keeping with your brand and image. Our graphic designers can also assist you in developing new logos.

We appreciate the need to work within the confines of your budgets. We have developed work programs that enable us to develop your site with minimal resources on your part in order to achieve your goals.

Tell us more about your idea or project

You can find us on social networks or Request an offer

Why to choose Devnox

Collectively the Devnox team are experienced in all aspects of web design & development and graphic design as well as the demands of running a commercial business. Our team can take on the challenges of your project by combining the different stregths of the individual team members. The mix of strengths within our blend to provide attractive and effective.

Choosing a web designer is an important decision for your business or organisation. A great looking and well optimised website has been proved to drive customers to your door. An ill-conceived web design can push your customers as quickly out through the window!!!

Devnox mission and statement

We aim to provide custom solutions, to engage our clients’ customers and help to drive their business forward. We aim to be a one stop shop for all of our clients’ web design and graphic design needs.

We strive to build partnerships with our clients, listening to their requirements and delivering their objectives on time and on budget.

Look at: What our customers are saying for us

Would you prefer to talk to us on the phone?
Talk to our specialist: +359 988 77 2225
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5 Reasons to choose Devnox for your web design or website development project
  • Partnership & Collaboration We work with our customers to design and build unique websites and develop existing websites. We do not impose our solutions, we listen and we advise but most importantly we deliver to YOUR specifications.
  • Deliver Quality Solutions Our experienced team are perfectionists by nature and we are.
  • Price Promise We are priced competitively with our competitors. We believe that we offer a cost effective solution and we will work to fixed fees or within a fixed budget.
  • Efficiency Guarantee We will work to pre agreed timescales. We aim to exceed expectations and deliver on time and within budget.
  • Experienced Team with Blend of Skills We believe in using the right person for the right job. The different skills required to build a website are very rarely found within one person. It is not often that a creative person who will create beautiful web designs will also be the right person to meticulously write the detailed program to make the website work. We use experienced project managers, with an understanding of business and finance, customers, web development and IT solutions to bring together the skills of the web design team.