Project information

Karlos Nassar, World and European Weightlifting Champion

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6+), Node.js, Laravel 11, MySQL

Project Overview:

Our team developed the official website for Karlos Nassar – a dynamic platform that combines modern design with functionality, reflecting the achievements of the world champion and providing fans with easy access to information and the opportunity to purchase official sports merchandise.

Challenges and Approach:

A key aspect of the project was integrating an online store where fans could purchase T-shirts, shorts, and sports gear related to Karlos Nassar. For backend development, we utilized Laravel 11 and MySQL to effectively manage product information and orders.

The project also required flexible content management, including news, events, and updates related to Karlos Nassar. To ensure fast and seamless site performance, we implemented image optimization and content caching, which significantly improved page load times.

Final Result:

The result is a professional and intuitive website that captures the dynamism and achievements of Karlos Nassar, while also offering fans the opportunity to connect with him and purchase official merchandise through the integrated online store. The site is designed to be easy to navigate and maintain, ensuring high performance and security for users.

Проект: Karlos Nasar
Проект: Karlos Nasar


Date: 26 Aug 2024 Technologies: Laravel 11 Livewire Node.js PHP SASS Categories: Online stores, Other Company: Devnox Ltd.
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